Stevie Dee lives in a heaving metropolis of 8138 souls in the middle of the great state of Kansas, two and a half hours from everywhere! He and his beloved wife are the caretakers of three miniature dachshunds. Brie, Xavier, Devon, and a Shih Tzu licking machine called Libby. His loves include driving, especially on roads he has never been on before. He is a passionate lover of music in all its forms, especially what was christened Glam Rock of the seventies. Slade, T Rex, Sweet, Rod Stewart, and Queen are now his go-to artists for a trip down memory lane.
One of his earliest memories is being taught by his mother how to jitterbug on a linoleum floor in the kitchen to Bill Haley and the Comets. A little later, he took ballroom dancing lessons where his love of Glen Miller blossomed. Despite his love of music, playing an instrument is something he never mastered. He has attempted piano, trombone, and guitar. The gene that allows someone to learn to read music and play an instrument was very obviously recessive. In the late seventies, he was never happier than when on a disco floor, his favorite venues being The Blackpool Mecca, Highland Room, or The Ritz Ballroom in Manchester. His heroes are Sir Sean Connery (The best ever James Bond), Billy Connolly (The Big Yin), and Freddie Mercury (The lead singer of Queen). Inspiration and his spiritual homes are the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Especially The Isle of Skye, Lewis and Harris, and we must not forget Orkney! When he seeks inspiration for his stories, he loves nothing more than listening to the Gaelic singers Fiona Hunter, Julie Fowlis.
Author's Inspirations
These are a collection of photos that insire the author in life. They make up his family and friends, all those he holds dear.
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