Magical adventures of the Fairy realm!
Who are the Fae of Gisburn Hall?
They are the Lancashire kingdom within the fairy realm. Lancashire is filled with history and the stories tell of ghosts, witches, and fairies. Ancient lore surrounding monuments, holy wells, and Green Man carvings echo the tales of history within the Fae realm, which are alive and thriving within the woods of modern Gisburn Park.
The Gisburn Hall Series focuses on the area most famously known for Robin Hood. Now called Gisburn Park, these stories focus on the Fae within the forests, ancient tunnels, white cattle, and other magical creatures. Gisburn Forest still stands to this very day, and the river Ribble continues to wend its picturesque way among the hills and dales, sometimes called “The backbone of England,” also known as the Pennines, with yet still a third name, often called by the Hillwalkers of today; The Pennine Way. Gisburn is filled with dark secrets, especially related to the forests. Not to mention evil historical characters such as Guy of Gisburne, who hunted Robin Hood.

Series Style
The Gisburn Hall Series, a novella collection, continues with the same depth of magic, colorful characters, and passionate romance found in the authors’ highly successful and entertaining novel series, The MacGregor Series.
Series Inspirations
These are a collection of photos that inspire the author as he writes about the Gisburn Hall Fae, and
the adventures that they and mortals embark upon within the woods of Gisburn Hall.
Get In Touch
If you are seeking to set up book signings, workshops, interviews or just have a fan question, feel free to contact Stevie Dee from this site. If you are seeking to speak to his publisher, you can reach them at :